Hypercycle: Navigating Authenticity in a post Trend World


Artwork by Gung Ho Creative Team


My joint report with Gung Ho Hypercycle was released this week. Hypercycle is a navigation tool for facing our tenuous relationship with trends in what feels like a chaotic moment in culture.

🌀 We've confused trend virality with trend validity and many other aspects of how trends can function to create preferable futures for people and the planet, not serve hype.

Hypercycle is not a typical forecast, it's designed as a handbook with 2 chapters:

1️⃣ The Pain: an honest (and at times painful) assessment seeking transparency and accountability for creative industry professionals who act as cultural producers, what I call mythmakers, working in design, fashion, innovation, online creators, foresight professionals, PR, marketing, and communications. This chapter can also resonate with end users (consumers).

2️⃣ The Medicine: a set of propositions on methods and principles, some data-related, some nature-led, some about reclaiming authenticity, and some around cultural and media literacy. And more... With a set of actionable steps, we call Sense Checks inspiring reflection and action.​

Artwork by the Gung Ho creative team

Having collaborated with Gung Ho Communications for over 5 years this has been one of the reports we've worked on the hardest because there was a significant amount of unpacking.

🙏 Thank you to the Gung Ho team with a big shout-out to Jonathan Yates Luke Henebry Frankie Kealey Gareth Davies James Benn Paul Phedon

👁 Last but not least, the report features leading voices across fields in the creative industry. Thank you for your contribution, time and insights.

By Geraldine Wharry

Go to https://www.gunghoco.com/spotlight/hypercycle

Behind the scenes of our webinar launch.